Starting a Small Business

Thinking of starting a new business? You may have the ambition and desire, but have you utilized the proper tools and resources to become informed and ensure that you succeed in your goals? At Gardner & Billing, CPAs we offer a number of services to supplement and assist you in your small business, but we also understand that getting off the ground can make for a very fee conscious consumer. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a new business owner is thinking you can do it ALL and not asking for help, especially in areas that are new and unfamiliar to you. Ideally, you can consult the experts: talk to your banker, hire an accountant and engage an attorney; but seeking council on these topics doesn’t always have to cost you money either. Did you know that there is an organization dedicated to helping small Montana businesses succeed?

The Montana Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network is a partnership between the Montana Department of Commerce, the U.S. Small Business Administration, regional economic development organizations and the Montana higher education system. The SBDC Directors and Business Advisors assist clients every day with the preparation or fine-tuning of business plans, financial management, operations assistance, loan packaging and marketing initiatives. SBDC training seminars and workshops cover timeless small business issues such as cash flow management, as well as new and emerging trends.

The SBDCs are dedicated to helping small businesses throughout Montana achieve their goals of growth, expansion, innovation and success. The SBDC Network combines the resources of federal, state and local organizations with that of the private sector and education system to meet the specialized and complex needs of the small business community.

In our upcoming blog series, we’ll be exploring the SBDC’s guide to starting a business so that you know what to expect, what’s expected of you, and where to find the help you need to make your dream a reality! 

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