"What do you do when tax season is over?”
I’ve heard it more than once, so thought I’d share some of the “other stuff” we do. Although most of our workload is related to tax work or payroll, the CPAs also review and advise on accounting issues and assist in resolving and unraveling problems. The support staff spends massive amounts of time handling (safely and confidentially) the reams of paper that flow into the office. We scan and electronically store all of the work papers used in preparing each income tax return, as well as the returns themselves and related correspondence. We keep paper copies of all that material for three years then verify that each piece was scanned legibly before each sheet is shredded. So each year during the non-tax season, we review and shred all of the paper used four years previously. We use spreadsheets to track the recipients and dollar amounts of 1099s for the clients that need to submit them. Spreadsheets are also used for many of our clients to total expenses and incom...