Our Mission....

The mission statement for Gardner & Billing, CPAs PLLC is hanging on the wall near the front entrance. I doubt that many clients even notice it, what with the easy chair, dried flower arrangements, candles or seasonal decorations, and often, friends vying for their attention. The statement, however, is the guiding light for the staff. Though only 29 words, it holds a wealth of meaning.

Our Mission: To earn the respect of our clients by providing superior and timely services while maintaining the strictest confidentiality; thereby establishing loyal relationships founded on trust and dependability.

I picked five words out of that statement and listed three synonyms for each. 

Respect - regard, appreciation, honor

Confidentiality - classified, intimate, private

Loyal - steadfast, trustworthy, constant

Trust - assurance, conviction, reliance

Dependability - allegiance, integrity, tenacity

Clearly, the words in and intent of our mission statement are weighty.  They pack a wallop and remind me of the depth of our responsibility to those we serve. It is an honor to work in an atmosphere of mutual respect, between staff and clients, as well as among the staff members themselves.  

At the same time, our prevailing sense of humor keeps us well grounded, and definitely keeps us from taking ourselves too seriously. If you need an emotional lift, stop in for a few minutes, even if you don’t have a pressing accounting concern. While we take our work seriously, we have fun in what we do, so we’ll share a smile, maybe even a laugh, and all feel better for the encounter.

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