What’s Your Pleasure – spending time with your hobby or with a ledger?

If you dread preparing for tax season, feeling as a recent visitor to our office did, that she wished she was “going to the dentist instead of coming to see my accountant!” And, as she handed her packet of information off she said, “It’s your problem now!”

If that’s how you feel, here’s an idea that may appeal to you – Gardner & Billing CPA firm offers services year round that might give you peace of mind and a reason beyond warmer weather to look forward to spring.  Believe it or not, we actually enjoy working with numbers, organizing records and interpreting financial information. 

When your financial status goes beyond your checking account balance, do you know how to pull your financial information together?  Do you compare your expenses over the years to see which expenses are growing more rapidly than the inflation rate so you know where to concentrate efforts to reduce expenses? Do you know what your expense vs income is month by month or quarter by quarter – or any time before your taxes are due?  Do you come in for a tax estimate on December 30th then spend the next day in agonies over which potential purchase will reduce your taxes AND be most beneficial to your operation?  If your business has multiple cost and income centers, do you track them separately to see which are profitable and which are not? Could it help you or your business if you had a handle on your financial status throughout the year? 

Gardner & Billing, CPAs provide services to help you maintain or gain control of your financial situation.  In addition, we can help organize your record keeping so that your tax preparation is less time consuming for us, so less expensive for you.  This can be as simple as helping with a system for memos on your checks, or as extensive as the firm receiving a duplicate monthly bank statement and entering your information into a record keeping system, then preparing reports for you.  Whatever your needs, we strive to meet them and simplify your financial record keeping. 

If you want to reduce the strain of tax season, come visit with us about the year round service we offer.  We do these things and still have energy for hobbies!  Well, honestly, not so much during tax season… we mostly just sharpen our pencils! 

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